Board Meeting Preparation using Phundex Pathways

We’ve spent a lot of time organizing and preparing for Board Meetings.  We’ve even helped clients come up with standardized processes to make preparing Board papers more efficient.

We knew that the Phundex Platform would make that process easier.  We wanted to share the benefit of our experience so we created a Board meeting and preparation Pathway to help you get started.  The Pathway Template includes all of the steps (all configurable to suit your organization), plus a template Agenda, Minutes, and even a suggested Executive summary for Board papers.

Phundex Pathway Templates – Board Meeting Preparation 

A number of our clients told us that they found preparing for board meetings very time-consuming.  They had tools to share the final Board Pack with the Board and store historic packs, but getting to that point wasn’t easy.  The process didn’t always run smoothly and often led to late nights getting the Board pack ready for circulation. 

We worked with them to develop standard templates for their agenda, minutes, and board papers and leveraged this, and our own experience of creating board packs, to create a Board Meeting Preparation Pathway. 

All businesses need to set time to focus on strategic objectives and planning.  The Phundex Board Meeting Preparation Pathway helps you set a timetable for strategic topics to cover during the year.  A listed company may focus on the Annual General Meeting process and various Listed Company disclosure requirements.  A regulated organisation might focus on regulatory filing requirements.  

Once you have the calendar mapped out with your strategic objectives, you can use our Agenda Template to tailor a bespoke Agenda for your organisation, with a related Minute Template.  Clients have told us that organizing their meeting by Decisions Required, Items for Discussion and then Items for Noting, together with a standard Executive summary for every paper, means they are able to make decisions in the relevant meeting, significantly increasing the efficiency of their decision-making process.  They can start moving on to new opportunities sooner, increasing revenue opportunities in a much shorter time span. 

Our Pathway Template takes you through the various steps to gather the materials for the board pack, including a checklist of topics to cover, and an Executive Summary Template to provide a standardized summary for all reports.  Once you’ve tailored the Board Meeting Pathway to meet your requirements, you can set it as one of “My templates”, and replicate it for every Board meeting, providing transparency, a standardized process. And a clear governance structure.  

You can find more articles on our website, at Phundex Knowledge Hub, on LinkedIn at Phundex LinkedIn, or for other questions, please email us at:

To book a demo or do a trial, you can either use the link on our website or email, and they will be happy to set it up for you.

For a more detailed look at the Phundex Board Meeting Preparation Pathway Template, please join the Phundex Group on LinkedIn – we will be sharing details there on each of our Pathway Templates over the coming weeks.

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